Friday, April 25, 2014

From home duties to paid work: The evolution of the working life from a woman's perspective

In our recent century women were often seen as 'the angel in the house'. Women had to stay home and care for house and family while the breadwinner went to work and cared for the financial outcome of the familiy. The relative recent shift of women entering the workforce doesn't mean women also face equal opportunity in the workforce as well.

One of the big problems is that women often earn less in some areas within the workforce, in government or state institutions there is more pay equality for example. There are feminised jobs which have a lesser pay for e.g. hairdresser or beauty therapists. Women also face less money for the same work in non-feminised jobs.
The workforce is therefore still a male dominated institution and does not help to empower women do be financially independent.

This article, "Negotiating While Female: sometimes it does hurt to ask ", reflects on the fact that the road to obtain equality in the work place doesn't always work out

The Rise of the Female Entrepreneur


We would like to hear your opinion! Have you had similar experiences? Maybe you earned less compared to your male colleagues for the same work? Use the comment section to share your story

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